Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Welcome to my blog on Stress Management by Yoga of Guru Jitendra

We are from Mumabi based PR net work, have taken the responsbilities of PR manager of stress management expert Guru Jitendra Ramotra . I know he may not get time to update this blog regularly . But along with my colleauge Sourav Sarkar<> from ( who is also promoting Jitendra's stress managemant technique) I shall run this blog regularly. I may seek help of his students and beneficiaries to continue it .

I welcome you all ! Visit the site regularly!! Post your views regularly!!!

Help us to reach wider mass with the knowldge and practice of yoga Guru Jitendra!

Loknath Swain
PR Manager of yoga Guru Jitendra
Contact Details:
Loknath Swain: 09833181107
Sourav Sarkar:09833066729, Webbased PR network from Mumbai